Oral History Interview with Robert Munson

Oral History Interview with Robert Munson
Narrator (written)
Robert Munson
Narrator First Name
Narrator Last Name
Ben Katz
Robert Munson, a Vietnam veteran, discusses his childhood moving around the United States with his military family. He then discusses his military service beginning with his training at Fort Belvoir in Virginia and his experience as an army engineer. He goes on to talk about his time in Vietnam, beginning with his chaotic introduction to the war in Saigon and Cam Ranh Bay. He goes on to talk about his experiences during the Tet Offensive, and how he earned his Purple Heart. After this, he goes on to speak about his experiences in the latter half of his tour, featuring interactions with his commanding officers and Marines in Hué. After Vietnam, Munson talks about his transition back into civilian life and his career and family relationships. At the end of the interview, he discusses his move to the Upper Valley of Vermont/New Hampshire, his current views on the war, and his interactions with younger veterans.
Date of Interview
May 4, 2023
Military Service (Army)
Vietnam Veteran
Upper Valley Resident
Interview Audio Source (MP3)
Interview Transcript Source (PDF)
