Oral History Interview with William Jevne
Oral History Interview with William Jevne
Narrator (written)
William (Bill) Jevne
Narrator First Name
William (Bill)
Narrator Last Name
Emily Cummings
William “Bill” Jevne. Class of 1966 and Tuck 1967. Oral history of his time spent at Dartmouth College, his experience in Vietnam, and the lasting impact the war had on him. Jevne describes making the varsity hockey team his sophomore year under coach Edward “Eddie” Jeremiah, Class of 1930. Jevne describes his experience on the hockey team as very enjoyable. He discusses wearing the freshman beanies. Jevne joined Theta Pi, later named Beta Alpha Omega, his sophomore year. Jevne discusses his participation in the Two-three program with Tuck and what it was like as a young Tuck student. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and attended Officer Candidate School in Quantico, Virginia. He describes his relationship with and subsequent death of William “Bill” S. Smoyer, Class of 1967. After learning about Smoyer’s death shortly after arriving in Vietnam, Jevne explains how his mindset shifted regarding the war. Jevne details various difficult incidents and losses of members of his unit throughout his time in Vietnam. He highlights how these events lead to his PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder] which he struggled with throughout his life. Jevne discusses how Agent Orange caused his prostate cancer.
Date of Interview
October 23, 2015
Dartmouth Alumni
Dartmouth History
Military Service
Military Service (Marines)
Rauner ID
Interview Audio Source (MP3)
Interview Transcript Source (PDF)